The Nepomuk Situation
ivan.cukic at
ivan.cukic at
Mon May 7 14:47:37 BST 2012
Maybe there could be something like qt has - BEGIN_NEPOMUK_NAMESPACE... So that if the same needs to be done in the future, we could just change the macro value.
I don't know, thinking that Nepomuk2 namespace is looking rather ugly :)
The dirtiest solution library-wise would be to have everything in NepomukCore::Nepomuk::Something so that the only change in the current code of nepomuk users would be a using namespace NepomukCore;
Sorry for being a bit vague, I'm writing from my phone.
IvanOn 7.5.12. 14.49 Vishesh Handa wrote:
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Sebastian Trüg <trueg at> wrote:
On 05/07/2012 02:35 PM, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Sebastian Trüg <trueg at
> <mailto:trueg at>> wrote:
> On 05/07/2012 12:09 PM, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> > So, we're down to 3 options -
> >
> > *1.* nepomuk-core become a dependency of kdelibs. Kdelibs is not
> touched.
> > *Problem:* Overlapping headers and possible mysterious crashes if both
> > libraries are loaded.
> >
> > *2.* nepomuk-core installs headers under nepomuk2. It's released
> > independently.
> > *Problem:* Mysterious crashes if both libraries are loaded.
> >
> > *3.* nepomuk-core installs headers under nepomuk2 and the namespace is
> > changed to nepomuk2.
> > *Problem:* A lot more work :(
> Well, I suppose we could make this work with some sed magic. :P
> I would vote for option 3 which could then be reverted (or not) for
> kde5.
> I would prefer option 2.
> The mysterious crashes would only happen if an application's plugin
> links to the incorrect libraries.
> Is that a possibility for us?
I already experienced that. Took me a while to find the reason.
I would like the Nepomuk2 namespace and include directories be removed for the frameworks, but I guess it is not a big deal if that doesn't happen.
Okay, everyone. This is the point where you chime in and say - "We're okay with this" or you raise your objections. We would like to get this mess sorted in time for the 4.9 release.
Vishesh Handa
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