Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at
Thu Mar 15 09:50:39 GMT 2012

Am 14.03.12, 20:43 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
>> On the other hand if there are things that a mere 'power user' might 
>> find 
>> useful (that colord will not be supporting due to scope) then it might make 
>> sense to have extra U/I if Oyranos is available. Perhaps multi-monitor CMS 
>> would fit the bill (assuming colord will not support).
> I'm sure you were just giving an example but as someone earlier mentioned
> something about NVIDIA here's the explanation:
> Multi monitor color correction works as long as your video driver supports
> XRandR 1.3, which means NVIDIA proprietary driver is the only one not
> supporting this. If we support XRR 1.2 both monitors get the same correction.

Personally I develop mainly on a nvidia machine with two very different 
monitors in part over DP. Colour correction works to each with the Oyranos 

Even though I would prefere nvidia added support for XRandR properly.

kind regards

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