Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

Sune Vuorela nospam at
Wed Mar 14 14:22:54 GMT 2012

On 2012-03-14, Daniel Nicoletti <dantti85-dev at> wrote:
>> Request:
>> After working on KolorManager and Oyranos in the past months for the last 
>> Oyranos-0.4.0 release, we feel the stack is ready to review for inclusion into 
>> KDE.
>> KolorManager resides currently in Playground/Graphics:
> Just a quick question, currently we have two CMS stacks, colord and
> oyranos, while
> I have nothing against having two of them in KDE

I would really prefer to at least have one common gui. preferably just
one stack. But if we have to have two competing stacks until one of them
dies, then I guess we will just have to live with it. But do it with a
common gui. pretty please.

> I wonder if this  would become
> a problem for colord-kde [1] to enter in kdegraphics too? In that case
> would be better
> to both go to kdeextragear or is there some different policy in this case?

I hope that we aren't going to select a solution based on who is a month
faster than the other.


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