Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

Lamarque V. Souza lamarque at
Wed Mar 14 14:10:31 GMT 2012

Em Wednesday 14 March 2012, Kai-Uwe Behrmann escreveu:
> Am 14.03.12, 06:01 -0700 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
> >>>   I'm actually targeting KDE SC 4.9 as gnome-color-manager is very
> >>> mature and I am pretty much just rewriting it with Qt/KDE libs.
> >> 
> >>  
> >> OpenICC colour experts have then a different view of maturity.
> >>  
> >> 
> >>>  
> >> 
> >> 1-
> >> rd-kde/ 
> >> That including your later blog post shows a sub feature set of what is 
> >> implemented in KolorManager / Oyranos.
> > 
> > It's totally clear from my message that this is a work in progress thing,
> > if you want to demerit my work by saying yours is better this shouldn't
> > be the kind of thing to discuss in kde-core-devel. Please let's try to
> > not offend each others work.

	I do not read a demerit of your work the words above. Unless you are 
talking about something Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote outside this mailling list I 
think we should not be that agressive in a response.
> I welcome anyone, who works on Linux CM in a open minded way, including
> you.
> But you used GCM as a reference for your own project and surely know
> the controversial issues around colord. My answere was in response to the
> later.

	And you should also help make things calm, ok?
> > About your opinion on maturity I'm talking as a developer which sees
> > colord as technology and still I'm really not comparing that to yours.

	That is partially wrong. A KDE developer is already working on the 
project that your project is meant to replace, you must really talk about why 
you want that in technical terms. Kai-Uwe is right about your work is 
controversional by nature and also because you do not even consulted the KDE 
developer that is already working on color management in KDE. That is at least 
impolite in my oppinion.

Lamarque V. Souza
KDE's Network Management maintainer
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