GSoC idea: Country holiday service for calendar and calendar improvements

todd rme toddrme2178 at
Sat Mar 10 08:02:50 GMT 2012

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 1:15 AM, Mark <markg85 at> wrote:

> = Current issue =
> The current digital clock has a calendar, but the default events are really
> pointless for non usa people. I see the events and i certainly don't live in
> the usa. So, the data in there has to be a little more focused on where the
> user lives. For example having the Dutch holidays in it for the Dutch users.
> German for... you get the idea.

No, by default the events are from the country in system settings ->
locale Country/Region and Language -> Country.  So if you set Germany
there, you will see German holidays.

> = Issues =
> I'm not a KDE n00b and i have no clue where the current calender events are
> pulled from or where i can even change them, add them or delete them. It's
> not visible at all. I would have expected korganizer but to my surprise that
> is empty. So where is is pulling the events from?

If you want to change it to your country, just change your country in
the locale (you have to restart plasma for the changes to take
effect).  If you want something other than your locale country,
right-click on the clock -> Digital Clock Settings -> Calender.  There
you can enable or disable as many holidays as you want.

> = make it yourself: =
> No, that domain doesn't work (yet) ;)
> Since there is no free holiday API, but all the data is freely available on
> the internet why
> not make a holiday system where users can contribute the holidays. So i for
> example can add all the dutch holidays, someone can review and check that i
> didn't fill in bogus data and done. Dutch holidays are in the system. This
> system then needs an API (REST perhaps?) where you can request all holidays
> by (or a mixture of) year/country/month/day something like that. Make the
> web API publicly and freely available for anyone to use.

There is already a holidays API, and people already can and do submit
holidays for different countries to KDE.

> = Integrate with organizer or akonadi (or nepomuk?.. i lost
> it) =
> Lets for the moment make the assumption that this data is PIM data thus
> akonadi is the one where this should be stored. Organizer should interface
> with akonadi. I could be mixing up the akonadi and nepomuk names now. If so,
> please do correct me. Either way, the API of should be used
> to fetch and store the users country holidays in his local PIM database
> which should show up in KOrganizer (as a seperate calendar) and that should
> show up in the digital clock calendar. That seems logical to me.

Korganizer can already use the API.  Go to Settings -> Configure
Korganizer -> Time and Date -> Regional -> Use Holiday Region.  It
doesn't appear to use your country by default, though.


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