Compiler version

Ivan Cukic ivan.cukic at
Wed Jun 27 23:27:08 BST 2012

> Can you explain why you need a more modern version, I see a good analysis of
> what the current situation regarding compiler availability but i fail to
> see why we need a newer compiler.

For me, the main reasons for this request are:
- lambdas (gcc 4.5)
- variadic templates (4.3 / 4.4)
- auto (4.4)
- nullptr (4.6)
- =default, =delete (4.4)
- explicit override (4.7)
- unique/shared_ptr (?? works in 4.5)

nullptr and override are really useful while developing, even as enabled-if-
possible - so I can live without hard-requiring them (macro-based switch), but 
lambdas are not so easily replaceable while making the life much easier and a 
lot of methods shorter :)


Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people from coughing.
  -- Sir Ralph Richardson

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