Review Request: #include <fixx11h.h>

Martin Gräßlin kde at
Sun Jan 22 10:00:26 GMT 2012

> On Jan. 22, 2012, 9:06 a.m., Erik Sigra wrote:
> > Ship It!

giving yourself a ship it kind of destroys the idea behind review board.

>From my side there is a clear "NO" for everything KWin related. So why? Let's consider for example atoms.h. I just used git blame and well the includes were last touched in 2007. So for about 5 years nobody cared about it. This means in my opinion that there is no reason to try to fix what is not broken. Yes being able to do a final build would be nice, but it seems not to be used.

Furthermore I don't like changes which would "fix" something that has been broken for years without anybody caring about it. It is quite clear that this will break again (especially in a component like KWin which has to work with X). There is no way to ensure that the build option does not break again. So why try to fix in the first place?

If there is a clear way to test final builds (e.g. on I'm all for accepting a sensible patch to make KWin build with final option. But I'm not going to accept a partial fix.

- Martin

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On Jan. 15, 2012, 12:53 p.m., Erik Sigra wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 15, 2012, 12:53 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Base Apps and Hugo Pereira Da Costa.
> Description
> -------
> Add #include <fixx11h.h> in some places where it was missing. This improves buildability.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kcminit/main.cpp 68bfb05 
>   kcontrol/access/kaccess.h c364b25 
>   kcontrol/access/kcmaccess.cpp 64a6803 
>   kcontrol/bell/bell.cpp 3d9395f 
>   kcontrol/fonts/fonts.cpp 61886d4 
>   kcontrol/input/kapplymousetheme.cpp c9bc511 
>   kcontrol/input/main.cpp 0f9f33a 
>   kcontrol/input/mouse.cpp cebb174 
>   kcontrol/input/xcursor/legacytheme.cpp 28d7f2a 
>   kcontrol/input/xcursor/previewwidget.cpp aff149b 
>   kcontrol/input/xcursor/thememodel.cpp d69dde0 
>   kcontrol/input/xcursor/themepage.cpp 0f678ed 
>   kcontrol/input/xcursor/xcursortheme.cpp 2fc7504 
>   kcontrol/keyboard/kcmmisc.cpp 382f026 
>   kcontrol/keyboard/keyboard_hardware.cpp 9f9c026 
>   kcontrol/keyboard/xinput_helper.cpp 2971d20 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/lib/FcEngine.cpp 8b74fce 
>   kcontrol/krdb/krdb.cpp 92d84e9 
>   kcontrol/randr/krandrapp.cpp af53671 
>   kcontrol/randr/module/randrpolltest.cpp 30d689e 
>   kcontrol/style/kcmstyle.cpp b8f46be 
>   kdm/kcm/background/bgrender.cpp 17cf33d 
>   kdm/kfrontend/krootimage.cpp e4ddc85 
>   khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/actions/keyboard_input_action.cpp b3b1ec3 
>   khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/triggers/gestures.cpp e70c074 
>   khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/windows_handler.cpp eb02374 
>   kinfocenter/Modules/base/os_base.h 9c903ea 
>   kinfocenter/Modules/opengl/opengl.cpp 7df2b17 
>   klipper/klipper.cpp aafe616 
>   krunner/krunnerdialog.cpp 007887f 
>   krunner/lock/ 65c7f1d 
>   krunner/screensaver/xautolock.cpp 7124215 
>   krunner/startupid.cpp a436183 
>   kscreensaver/libkscreensaver/kscreensaver.cpp 55bcbea 
>   ksmserver/fadeeffect.h 8d45ebc 
>   ksmserver/fadeeffect.cpp 8b94834 
>   ksmserver/kcheckrunning.cpp f0648fc 
>   ksmserver/legacy.cpp 62a4672 
>   ksmserver/logouteffect.cpp a2fc060 
>   ksplash/ksplashqml/SplashApp.h 9b63c4e 
>   ksplash/ksplashqml/main.cpp d59bff8 
>   ksplash/simple/main.cpp 0e730bf 
>   kstyles/oxygen/oxygenshadowhelper.cpp 28cc651 
>   kstyles/oxygen/oxygenstylehelper.cpp 24710cd 
>   ksystraycmd/main.cpp 9a72389 
>   kwin/atoms.h 95e1bde 
>   kwin/clients/b2/b2client.cpp 6b52996 
>   kwin/clients/oxygen/oxygenclient.cpp cd94eb4 
>   kwin/clients/oxygen/oxygensizegrip.cpp 221ee74 
>   kwin/effects/resize/resize.cpp 84bdd7f 
>   kwin/effects/showfps/showfps.cpp 5161401 
>   kwin/effects/showpaint/showpaint.cpp f689b1c 
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/preview.cpp a3d4256 
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwinoptions/mouse.cpp 51a80f9 
>   kwin/kcmkwin/kwinoptions/windows.cpp 30c94c0 
>   kwin/killer/killer.cpp d37a654 
>   kwin/killwindow.cpp 57e15e5 
>   kwin/libkwineffects/kwinglobals.cpp 575813e 
>   kwin/opengltest/opengltest.cpp eda7b51 
>   kwin/outline.cpp 6ef499c 
>   kwin/overlaywindow.h 14d2d58 
>   kwin/tabbox/tabboxhandler.cpp e91ea71 
>   kwin/tools/decobenchmark/preview.cpp 429cbd2 
>   kwin/tools/test_gravity.cpp 4ddb136 
>   kwin/utils.cpp a9abc5d 
>   kwin/workspace.h 40562d4 
>   libs/kephal/service/xrandr12/randrdisplay.h 3a6392c 
>   libs/kworkspace/kdisplaymanager.cpp 28fabfc 
>   plasma/desktop/shell/plasmaapp.cpp 7abd8fc 
>   plasma/generic/applets/systemtray/protocols/fdo/fdoselectionmanager.cpp 4257202 
>   plasma/generic/applets/systemtray/protocols/fdo/x11embedcontainer.cpp 1826512 
>   plasma/generic/dataengines/mouse/cursornotificationhandler.h 7b4d3eb 
>   plasma/netbook/shell/plasmaapp.cpp 22c54b2 
>   powerdevil/daemon/actions/dpms/powerdevildpmsaction.cpp a16bf7e 
>   powerdevil/daemon/backends/upower/xrandrbrightness.h 875c667 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Erik Sigra

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