Can we please have an updated and confirmed working "build KDE from source as separate user"?

Shaun Reich shaun.reich at
Mon Jan 2 19:21:35 GMT 2012

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Mark <markg85 at> wrote:
> What i meant is: how do you run that bash function?
> I have no clue for bash functions and how they work. So for example do i
> need to do: "runmaster() dolphin"?
> Yeah, i really have no clue!

You open a new shell, you type in 'runmaster'. Now your shell/konsole
tab will have the proper variables to run any application, especially
ones from master. Then you just type in the app, e.g. plasma-desktop.
That's all it does really, pretty simple. You just need to change
those env vars to something that your system can use (that is,
whereever kde master is installed).

> Also, this function is missing a ending "}" ... is there anything else
> missing?

No, I just didn't catch the } apparently.

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (

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