Review Request: print-manager on kdereview

Burkhard Lück lueck at
Fri Aug 24 07:04:32 BST 2012

Am Donnerstag, 23. August 2012 16:49:08 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
> Sorry I always have problems with these things,
> I've just copied the from my other
> project Apper, then Kai Uwe b did some changes
> on it but maybe he missed something..
Now print-manager has 4 translation catalogs:

strings from qml in plasma_applet_printmanager


strings from cpp code in add-printer, kcm_print and print-manager.

But all strings in kcm_print and add-printer are extracted to print-manager as 
well, so from a translators pov the two catalogs kcm_print and add-printer are 
superfluous and make it hard to keep translations spread over 3 catalog 

> I'll take a look, but patches are really welcome :D

To provide patches, one needs to know the route you want to go:

a) one catalog for all strings from cpp code
   * remove the in add-printer + kcm_print 
   * and adapt the translation catalog load calls in add-printer + kcm_print

b) three different catalogs for strings from cpp code:
  * exclude extraction from add-printer + kcm_print into catalog print-manager 

Burkhard Lück

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