Review Request: print-manager on kdereview

Christoph Feck christoph at
Thu Aug 23 12:57:29 BST 2012

On Wednesday 22 August 2012 21:39:11 Daniel Nicoletti wrote:
> Hi list,
> two years ago I started print-manager, at that time
> I was using Debian which is affected by this bug:
> because of this (and the fact I'm not a python fan
> to fix the issue) I started print-manager a C++
> implementation that could replace the current
> solution and fix the bug I had.

Given the fact that the above mentioned bug is about authorization, 
what does printer-manager do to avoid bug 242648, and how could its 
methods be transfered to other modules needing KAuth, such as the kdm 
or clock modules?

> * a KDED module to notify the user about new printers
> plugged into USB being configured

Thanks for caring about blocking D-Bus calls in kded. Hopefully QtDBus 
is thread-safe :) Will do a more deep review in the coming days.

> and please review the code :D which is right now at
> but a sysadmin request to move has already been filled

Sorry, cannot read sysadmin bugs. Where do you want it to move?

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team

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