RFC: i18n: strict translation call-to-catalog mapping

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at gmx.net
Fri Apr 6 09:56:12 BST 2012

> [: Thomas Zander :]
> I like that idea in general, not sure how to implement it properly,
> though. Simplest idea is to make cmake generate a "klocale-{module}.h"
> file and make everyone include that. But that sounds like a lot of work.

Actually I have nothing against providing any kind of special support on
CMake side, for whatever reason. For example, code size aside, it would be
really nice to be able to write catalog name in exactly one place and have
it applied wherever necessary (i.e. like in Autotools).

But this must be technically optional. The library interface must provide a
build-system agnostic way to map i18n calls to specific catalogs.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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