Screensaver to be or not to be (was: Re: Security Audit Request for Screenlocker Branch)

todd rme toddrme2178 at
Thu Oct 13 17:24:55 BST 2011

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Martin Koller <kollix at> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11. October 2011 21:11:03 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>> > I consider most effects being "bling" yes, with that said I like it and
>> > appreciate it but still most effects add no real productive value.
>> <offtopic>I have to disagree. By default we ship no effect which is "bling"
>> only. They all add productive value. Even something like a fade effect is a
>> productive value and not bling as it makes the system a more natural thing to
>> use.</offtopic>
> I'm sorry but this makes me laugh.
> What productivity gain do I have when using the "Snow" or "wobbly windows" effect ?

At least for me wobbly windows provides visual feedback when moving
windows that I find useful.  I used it a lot on compiz, but the Kwin
one never really worked all that well but I would have it enabled if
it did.


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