[proposal] Move all of the ksecretsservice components into kdeutils/ksecrets

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Sat Nov 12 10:55:16 GMT 2011

On Saturday 12 November 2011, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> On Saturday 12 November 2011 11:14:35 Valentin Rusu wrote:
> > On 11/12/2011 10:11 AM, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > > Any particular reason why you didn't stick to the separate repo
> > > solution as proposed earlier? For some reason I fail to see what
> > > motivated your change on that.
> > 
> > Well, as I explained in other threads, the initial decision I understood
> > was to have the components in kdelibs and kde-runtime then. And I did
> > stick with that.
> Yeah, I know that.
> > Please see my response to Aaron.
> And that's where my question comes from, I thought the consensus with the
> involved parties after that new discussion was for a new repository, but I
> might have missed something.
> So that was the intent of my previous email, now that the red flag got
> raised for inclusion in kdelibs master, 

Maybe the red flag for kdelibs can indeed be discussed again ?

I mean, AFAIK, there will be a kdelibs 4.8 release, as stated by Dirk several 
times here and on other lists.

If there is code right now which is working with the current kdelibs, reviewed 
and OKed (as ksecretsservice is), what exactly is the argument for not letting 
it in, and release it together with the kdelibs 4.8 ?

It doesn't add extra work for the kdelibs 4.x branch, and it doesn't create 
extra work for integrating it with the frameworks branch.


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