[announce] KSecretsService into it's way to be released

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at kde.org
Fri Nov 11 14:24:51 GMT 2011

On Friday 11 November 2011 12:05:40 Valentin Rusu wrote:
> [...]
> However, I also have my part of responsibility in not being more close
> to the frameworks work. But please understand I'm working fulltime
> elsewhere and I try to keep my involvement to a controlled level in
> order not to disturb those working full-time on KDE, as you do.

Hi Valentin, 

You haven't done anything wrong. There is no blame on you at all.
You asked for review as the policy is.

Most of the KDE developer are not working full time on it. And KDE really 
encourage people like you to contribute, it is really nice.

Now, regarding the frameworks issue and the freeze, it is really unfortunate 
that you hit this issue. It's just bad timing :-)
Especially that you are hitting a core issue which do not make unanimity 
within the community (should we or not allow more features in kdelibs 4.X?)

The discussions have not settle yet on what to do.
Being a separate repository is probably the best options right now.

> Yes, I'll take that suggestion. But is the frameworks branch working
> right now?
> Is it possible to use it as the main desktop session on my computer, on
> a day-to-day basis?

The frameworks branch is not meant to be used in the short term 
(it may work, but I don't know)
But it is to be used for development.

There is a lot of work to do there, and little people to do the work. 
What's not helping is that  lots of developer are like you and want to get 
their feature used as soon as possible (nothing to blame here). So they stick 
to 4.x rather than doing work in the framework branch.

That's the reason why kdelibs is frozen, it is to force developper like you to 
contribute (and hence tests) the framework.

> If yes, I'll do that move, if not, I'll stay with the current setup
> until it'll become usable, then I'll do the switch.
> Please note I'm committed to maintain this feature.
> But I need more help with getting it tested/bug reports.

It would be really answome if you could switch to framework, and try to 
develop your work there. It may mean you will have to wait one  year before 
getting actual user, but in the long term, it should be better for kde.

Because by running in frameworks, you will maybe see bugs in other areas of 
the framework, and i am sure people on irc are there to help.

> FYI, Telepathy team is waiting for this new feature to be released. They
> are my first "real" users and already provided some feedback/bug reports
> about the deamon.

That's great.
But as far as i know, Thelepathy is in the same situation as you. Meaning they 
can use the secretservice libraries without them to be within kdelibs.

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