Introducing libmediawiki
John Layt
johnlayt at
Tue Mar 22 13:54:35 GMT 2011
On Tuesday 22 Mar 2011 11:09:39 Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> On Saturday, March 19, 2011 11:47:45 AM Alexandre Mendes wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We worked on a library, "libmediawiki", to interface the MediaWiki API
> > with Qt, which is a part of the project silk.
> > Also we have produce two new widgets and a kipi plugin to export images
> > to They use our library .
> > We think our work can interest some kde developpers and we want to know
> > if you can introduce it in your release schedule.
> >
> > You can find our work at the same place as project-silk.
> >
> >
> > ns /master/show/mediawiki
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > The IUP ISI Team.
> Hi,
> Do you want to include the lib in kdelibs? If so, you need to explain what
> the lib does and list what projects can use this. Also you need to ensure
> all files have a proper licence header.
> What I suggest is:
> - make a list of projects that could use your lib
> - precise where you want this to be added to (kdelibs, extragear,..) and
> what it does
> - add your lib to kdereview so developers can test it
> Additional question: will you maintain this code after your university task
> is finished?
> Best regards,
> Anne-Marie
> PS: probably kdeedu can use it as well as Picture Frame applet, both
> projects I am involved in. But you need to clarify what your lib exactly
> can do!
This seems too specialised for kdelibs. If it is pure-Qt then kdesupport
would seem the right place, otherwise I'm not sure where it would go, perhaps
But yes, it would need to go through kdereview first.
P.S. Oh, and perhaps if it is Qt only then a rename to libqmediawiki?
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