Releases of the thing that was KDE

Scott Kitterman kde at
Thu Jun 9 13:12:58 BST 2011

On Thursday, June 09, 2011 07:22:32 AM Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 03:13:43 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > It may be that there was more to the release implications of the git
> > transition than "we're sure it'll get figured out by people who actually
> > care about releases", but if there was it's not apparent to me.
> I don't think there was, which lead to the screw-ups. It is something we
> took as a central issue into the discussions during the platform11 sprint,
> so at least we learnt from that.
> The short answer to your question is: We will also release backwards-
> compabitle, monolithic tarballs. That process can largely be automated on
> our side.

That's good to know.  Personally I think Kubuntu will want to modularize as 
much as upstream (we already split the monolithic tarballs into multiple 
binaries, so this is not news to us that splitting is good).  I do think that 
the requirement to produce monolithic tarballs is useful as part of the 
discipline of releasing.  It's a good forcing function to ensure the release 
contains an aligned set of 'sub-modules'.

It would be good to know if there are any packages that were split for 4.7 
beta 1 that have reconsidered this and will go back to just releasing the 
monolithic tarball?

Scott K

P.S. Added packager back as I think it's relevant.
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