Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sat Jul 23 09:41:05 BST 2011


I find what is proposed by Shaun to be acceptable, as the distinction
between the two is clearly defined. It still allows users to determine
the correct System Settings application to use to configure KDE
applications with what is probably the most minimal level of

KDE System Settings will continue to be called System Settings under
KDE, but will be called "KDE System Settings" under all other

Unfortunately, this is too late for KDE 4.7. Had I been contacted when
the decision to use the name System Settings under GNOME, this entire
issue could have been avoided - which I think everyone would have

If any GNOME components exist which do similar using of global names,
particularly in the space of preferences, it would be much appreciated
if you take similar steps.

@Matthias: please explain how this doesn't solve the issue.

If anyone has any other comments to make on this, please do. I'll make
the needed adjustments once KDE 4.7 has been released, unless
objections are raised.

Ben Cooksley
KDE System Settings Maintainer.

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