Feature Plan for 4.7

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Thu Jan 27 11:17:54 GMT 2011

On Thursday, January 27, 2011 12:05:34 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 01/27/2011 12:18 PM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > In order to create good release notes for the next release (yes, we're
> > early), we need a good overview of new features and improvements.
> I'm just a user, but how about focusing on making what you have achieved 
> already as rock-solid and stable as possible, fixing all glitches, bugs 
> and annoyances, and then thinking about adding more features?

We do that all the time. (You saw that coming, no?)

This email was not meant as an invitation to suggest to developers what you 
want them to work on (for that, we have wishlist items on bugzilla and the 
brainstorm section on the KDE forums), but as coordination tool among 
developers and between developers and the promo team.

If you feel that KDE should be fixing more bugs, you're very welcome to join 
our bugsquad and help in that process. (You do not need to be a coder for 
that, but it makes a big difference.)

In any case, please don't hi-jack a thread in order to promote your personal 
agenda. That's neither respectful to those spending their time on KDE 
software, nor does it scale.


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