Help on .desktop files for oxygen

Harald Sitter sitter at
Thu Apr 28 09:45:56 BST 2011

On Thursday 28 April 2011 09:26:52 Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
> For 4.7 I'd like to make this advanced tool available via kde' launcher
> menu.
> Good idea ? Bad idea ? Objections ?

Personally I do not think if they are of genuine use, the options should be in 
SystemSettings; having a second application that manages system settings, even 
at smaller scope, seems confusing to me.

> Also I guess need a .desktop file for that.
> Never wrote such a thing before, so some other expert pair of eyes would
> help.

The values...

> X-KDE-ServiceTypes=DBUS/InstantMessenger
> X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique
> X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.konversation

are probably not supposed to be there ;)

GenericName and Name ought not be the same... Generic could be something like 
"Advanced Widget and Window Decoration Settings".

Icon probably should be start-here-oxygen.

General note about the Settings category: I think in a default setup only 
SystemSettings is listed in Settings (which will not make it show up in the 
menu at all), adding another application entry to the Settings category will 
make it show up in the menu... a menu with 2 entries (of which one is already 
listed by default in kickoff favorites *and* the kickoff computer tab) seems 
like bad default appearance to me *shrug*


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