Replacement for Qt's Undo Framework

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at
Thu Apr 28 07:44:37 BST 2011

Le Tuesday 26 April 2011, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> A Dimarts, 26 d'abril de 2011, Olivier Goffart va escriure:
> > > What do you think about inclusion of KUndo*2 into kdelibs?
> > 
> > I have not seen the details about KUndo2 yet,  but what are the reasons
> > that keep you from improving QUndo in Qt?  Is there technical reasons? or
> > just political issues?
> In ossi implies it's an
> API problem and thus as the API can not be changed in QUndo it implies it
> needs new classes. Of course one could introduce QUndo2 classes but you
> seldom do that

Ossi suggest to add overloads.

> and of course there is the issue of the extreme overhead
> needed to get something into Qt vs getting it in kdelibs.

Yes, this is something that hopefully will get better soon.

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