Review request: Kcmgrub2

Alberto Mattea alberto at
Wed Apr 6 19:16:18 BST 2011

In data mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 20:01:32, Raphael Kubo da Costa ha scritto:
> Alberto Mattea <alberto at> writes:
> > In data mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 00:28:21, Raphael Kubo da Costa ha 
> >> Buildsystem-wise:
> >>   * I did not understand why you used include() instead of
> >> 
> >> find_package() in, for example,
> >> 
> >>       include(FindPyQt4)
> > 
> > Actually I used an article on the KDE wiki as an example, I didn't know
> > it wasn't the standard way of doing it. Now it's fixed.
> There are some add_subdirectory() calls before the find_package() ones,
> so you might end up trying to build those directories before checking
> all the dependencies.
That's intentional: vbespy doesn't need any dependency and doesn't like some 
options set by kde macros, while the helper does its own checks (which are 
smaller as it's written in C++).

> You might also want to consider using KDE's
> macro_optional_find_package() together with macro_log_feature(), so you
> show a list of all the dependencies which have or have not been found
> instead of failing at the first one.
> I remember some discussions before about build-time and runtime
> dependencies in applications written in Python, but I can't remember the
> outcome. Someone with a distro hat should have more information about
> this.
Thanks, I'll look into this.

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