Akonadi, Attica and Soprano moved to git.kde.org

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Oct 26 22:06:31 BST 2010

On 26.10.10 21:26:24, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 October 2010, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 26.10.10 20:55:51, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> ...
> > > There's probably also somewhere a HOWTO hot to get the stuff from there,
> > > how to commit, push, etc ?
> > > Can you please post the link ?
> >
> > This has been explained quite a bit on planetkde by the sysadmins,
> were these blogs the official announcement ?

They were official in terms of where the setup process for the new
infrastructure stands.

> I haven't seen any on k-c-d, maybe I missed it.

Well, the kde core modules are not moving yet, so why would anything be
announced here at this point? 

> What a search on techbase brings as first results doesn't look too useful:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Special:Search?search=git&fulltext=Search

The first 3 results are useful, additionally the amarok-related and the
kdeongit page.

> We have hundreds of developers, IMO we need a simple step-by-step howto.

But most of those don't build kdesupport stuff themselves (or even
kdelibs). Also this is not really of concern to kde-core-devel, those
projects in kdesupport don't belong to kde's core by definition. They're
merely close dependencies.


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