Parker Coates
parker.coates at kdemail.net
Tue Oct 5 21:20:33 BST 2010
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 13:52, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> A Dimarts, 5 d'octubre de 2010, laurent Montel va escriure:
>> It allows to make code sometime faster, but it allows to find untranslated
>> string (I fixed 5-10 untranslated string until now, even if with my own
>> script I never saw theses untranslated strings.)
>> What do you think about it ?
> Personally i think it makes the code veeeeeeeeery ugly and should no be forced
> into non-critical-fast code if the maintainer of that code does not want it.
It certainly takes away from the "Wow! QStrings are really easy to
use!" experience often encountered when working with Qt for the first
time and replaces it with "Oh, Qt has different string types for
different types of text and I have to pay attention to which I use
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