[Kde-maemo] sprint opportunity

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Thu May 27 10:15:42 BST 2010

On Wednesday 26 May 2010, Alexis Ménard wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Markus <kamikazow at web.de> wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch 26 Mai 2010, 14:49:58 schrieb Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz):
> >> I think that not right now as there is too much to be achieved before
> >> going to Symbian platform. If people providing the KDE-on-Symbian
> >> sprint are not willing to see results as soon as possible it's ok
> > 
> > We don't even know a clear roadmap of Symbian^4-based devices. Only a
> > vague "devices ship in H1 2010". Will even any manufacturer besides
> > Nokia pick it up? Will Nokia outphase Symbian completely by 2013 or so
> > and use MeeGo?
> > 
> > Let's say, only Nokia picks Symbian^4 up, but already plans to outphase
> > it in favor of MeeGo by 2013, a Symbian port would not even make sense
> > at all. Or am I wrong?
> > Honestly, I think that porting the SC and Qt to BlackBerry OS would make
> > more sense in the long term (not saying that a BlackBerry port should be
> > undertaken, just that Symbian's future is uncertain). AFAIK there is no
> > clear commitment by Nokia to Symbian for the time after 2011.
> Blackberry OS is not the job of KDE if Qt is not on that platform. And
> for now there is no plan for this port so we can forget about this
> idea in a near future.
> I tend to agree with you, this sprint is I think useless in a sense
> that Symbian with high end devices is clearly not a 100% sure
> variable. Also we do *NOT* have now an hardware than can handle KDE.
> N97 mini or N97 is a no go. Perhaps the N8 but not sure.
> Let's focus on what we have *NOW* a N900 on where we can have nice
> result already and wait upcoming devices with Meego. We have so much
> to do regardless the platform we are targeting. When the work is done
> then we can think about extending our support (like we did with
> Windows and Mac).
> Please reconsider the complete scope of the meeting.

yeah, i second that.
if it's about meego, N900 and beyond i'm _very_ interested in it.
but i don't really see big value in a Symbian port.
maybe i'm wrong and Symbian will be (again?) _the_ mobile platform in the 
future, but the direction of the world doesn't appear to be that right now

Marco Martin

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