removal of KWhatsThisManager?
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Fri May 14 22:41:17 BST 2010
A Divendres, 14 de maig de 2010, Thomas Lübking va escriure:
> Am Friday 14 May 2010 schrieb Hugo Pereira Da Costa:
> > To jump on that, and because we discussed it recently in #oxygen,
> > the appearance of what's this dialogs is _ugly_ (what the hell is this
> > patterned shadow ?)
> pre-composite way to handle things
> (popups had them as well :-)
> > and not stylable (the QWhatsThat::paintEvent method is
> > 100% hard coded and makes no access to the widget style() at all.
> you could probably check for "widget->isWindow() && widget-
> >inherits("QWhatsThat")" and set an own palette (this time with
> glossy/gradient/texture brush ;-) but it's frankly simply not worth it :-P
> If one really (really!) needs to hint "what's this" i'd recommand to
> a) review your UI (have a look at the Qt API sample: "open file"
> toolbutton..) b) add a tooltip and remove it after being shown 4 or 5
> times.
> I do not think KDE applications should make any use of this.
That's out of scope of what we are discussing here.
> Thomas
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