state of gitorious talks

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Mar 10 18:37:45 GMT 2010

On March 10, 2010, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> > I hope this won't change with git.
> > And we should not follow the line of whatever technology, but make the
> > technology follow our line of how we want to work, no? ;)
> KDE might be too divers to decide on one SCM technology. Especially with

we may not agree on what the best SCM is, but we can all use the same one. 
we've been doing that with cvs and svn for years. we also use the same mailing 
list system, the same defect tracking system (which i personally loathe, but 
use extensively all the same :) and much more ...

so it is possible and we shouldn't allow ourselves to achieve less than that 
given the benefits of shared infrastructure and transferable knowledge.

Aaron J. Seigo
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