kcm_tablet - KDE Wacom tablet management

Ryan Rix ry at n.rix.si
Mon Mar 1 20:38:21 GMT 2010

On Mon 1 March 2010 10:45:52 am Jörg Ehrichs wrote:
> I have created a small configuration and management application for Wacom 
> tablets and touch screens.

Hi Jörg,

I've been meaning to mail you regarding this, but it's fallen down my todo; 
I've been looking to package kcm_tablet in fedora, and have been playing with 
it. Currently, it does not work with my thinkpad x200 tablet, saying that it 
cannot find the tablet. Looking at your code (the tarball from kde-apps, I 
can't check out from svn currently, or i'd look there) you've hardcoded the 
tablet device names as "stylus" and "eraser". 

In the case of my tablet, for whatever reason the devices are 
"Wacom Serial Tablet PC Pen Tablet/Digitizer" and
"Wacom Serial Tablet PC Pen Tablet/Digitizer eraser", which naturally cannot 
be found by those hardcoded values. Now, these devices also fail in xsetwacom 
--list, because they aren't named "stylus" and "eraser" but I still feel that 
in the case that kcm_tablet doesn't detect any input devices that it could 
have a small override button "manually select device" or something, that would 
have a list of devices from xinput --list to choose from. Please let me know 
off list if you'd like some more information regarding this

Other wise, the code looks good, imo :)


Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
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