Dictionary KRunner Plugin

Jason A. Donenfeld jason at zx2c4.com
Fri Jul 30 21:45:35 BST 2010


Thanks. This has been fixed in r1157365. I added the context like you
requested and fixed the spacing error.

Hopefully at some point there will be the ability for the user to
define his own trigger word, but "define" will still be a translatable


On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org> wrote:
> A Divendres, 30 de juliol de 2010, Jason A. Donenfeld va escriure:
>> Hello,
>> At Aseigo's request, I've moved my Dictionary KRunner Plugin into
>> kdereview. Burkhard Luck has informed me that I need to alert
>> kde-core-devel. You can read more about the plugin at this blog post:
>> http://blog.jasondonenfeld.com/285 . I hope this announcement is
>> sufficient. Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.
> I'd sincerely appreciate if you added context to the "define" i18n.
> Also it seems a little weird to me that you do
> m_triggerWord(i18n("define") + QLatin1Char(' '))
> i18nc("KRunner keyword", "%1 :q:", m_triggerWord)
> doesn't that mean double spacing between define and :q?
> Albert
>> Jason

Jason A. Donenfeld
Deep Space Explorer

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