New script in kdesdk/scripts: reviewboarddiff

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed Jul 21 00:43:10 BST 2010

Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> On 12/07/2010 21:03, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Hmm. First off, I would add -d and try again to see what it thinks it is
>> doing.
> Good idea. Here is the output:
> post-review -n -d
>>>> svn info
>>>> git rev-parse --git-dir
>>>> git symbolic-ref -q HEAD
>>>> git svn info
>>>> repository info: Path: svn+ssh://, Base path: /trunk/KDE/kdebase, Supports changesets: False
>>>> git config --get reviewboard.url
>>>> svn propget reviewboard:url svn+ssh://
> Password:
> If I manually run the propget this way it works:
> svn propget reviewboard:url svn+ssh://
> My guess is that it works for you as long as your svn username is the
> same as your local one, which is not the case here.

Sorry for the delay, been out a few days. That looks like it might 
indeed be a bug/limitation. I suggest reporting it on Review Board's 
mailing list.

I, however, don't have that problem:
$ id
uid=7000(kde) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),11(install)
$ head -n 2 ~/.ssh/config
User mwoehlke

(...which also saves me having to fiddle with user name in svn+ssh URL's 

>> Well, post-review has the distinct advantage of performing the upload
>> for you :-). (Given enough command line options you can even fill in and
>> immediately publish the diff.)
> Not sure I would like it to publish without me looking at what it
> created, but I can see how this can be handy in some situations.

Oh, sure, I agree! But some people seem to like that sort of thing :-).

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