Rekonq default

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Feb 20 16:04:23 GMT 2010

On February 20, 2010, Frank Karlitschek wrote:
> What do you think?

this is something that the developers of rekonq need to suggest. while we can 
extend invitations or put the idea in front of people, it really must come 
from the maintainer(s) of an app ... in this case, it seems the team is more 
interested in extragear for now, but perhaps that will change.

that said, and despite the fact that i really like rekonq's direction, it is 
not anywhere near ready for widespread deployment imho. there is a good amount 
of core functionality (like address bar handling when connected via https) as 
well as polishing needed (e.g. the status bar replacement is a good idea, but 
it uses KPassivePopup to do so when it really should be a floating QWidget 
inside the window itself, among many other similar issues)

given the current pace of development, rekonq could well be an interesting 
idea for 4.6 in january/february of 2011, though.

in any case, for right now due to the above, -1 from me.

(i also think that "rekonq" should get a slightly less geek-jargon name. =)

Aaron J. Seigo
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