More about kdelibs unittests

David Faure faure at
Thu Dec 9 16:52:20 GMT 2010

On Tuesday 07 December 2010, Jaime wrote:
> Hi,
>   I've run the kdelibs with the environment variable QT_FATAL_WARNINGS=1,
> and the number of failed tests has grown in a noticeable way. (also with 2
> crashes).
>   I guess that less Qt warnings usually means less unexpected crashes.
>   Therefore I suggest to add that variable to the test target, and if it is
> possible, to fix the failed unittests before 4.6.0 is released.

I disagree that this makes sense.

$ ./kconfigguitest
********* Start testing of KConfigTest *********
Config: Using QTest library 4.7.0, Qt 4.7.0
PASS   : KConfigTest::initTestCase()
PASS   : KConfigTest::testComplex()
QWARN  : KConfigTest::testInvalid() QColor::setNamedColor: Unknown color name 

Yes, this will crash with QT_FATAL_WARNINGS. So? It's good to have a unit test 
test border conditions too, even if these conditions lead to warnings from Qt.

I think this setting makes sense for applications, but not for unit tests.

On the other hand I'm more interested in what failures you see -without- 

David Faure, faure at,
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