Please Review KCMultiDialog fix

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-dev at
Mon Aug 23 19:41:36 BST 2010

Hi all,
I use KCMultidialog in KPackageKit since I started using it
I've found a few bugs but I was too lazy to fix :P

I've attached 3 diffs of the changes I did and I really
would like to be able to backport it to KDE 4.5.1.

The problems:
- When you changed a module in it the apply got enabled,
  but if you change the module you were viewing the Apply was
  still enabled.
- Worst than that was that if you had changes on the 1st module,
  then moved to the 2nd (rember that the apply was still enabled),
  and you made changes on the second module when you clicked on
  apply the changes that you did on the 1st were also saved...
- Also a subclass of KCMultiDialog should not setButtons() because
  this would break some functionality (Reset for example).

I have fixed these issues, and the behavior is the same that
we find in System Settings. When you change the module
and have changes you will be prompted with the same
message box to save your changes. This is the only problem
I see tough I don't know if there is really a problem on adding
new string to 4.5.1.

If this is ok I can commit and backport to 4.5.

Daniel Nicoletti - KDE Developer
When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes;
all he expected from his power comes to nothing. Prov. 11:7

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