New network interfaces KCM

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Aug 20 02:40:58 BST 2010

On Thursday, August 19, 2010, David Hubner wrote:
> I have put a new KCM into kdeexamples that is for KInfoCenter to replace
> the old network interfaces KCM.

kdeexamples -> kdereview :)

looking at the UI there are several things that might be able to be improved 
on. e.g.:

* when i maxmize the window, the title "Network Interfaces ( Network 
Interfaces )" is given have the vertical space and the tab widget is given the 
other half

* "Network Interfaces ( Network Interfaces )" <-- why doubled?

* having the interface on the left and the status on the right with a big 
arrow means that i have to move my eyes from one side of the dialog to the 
other just to get the full picture. any reason why the status information 
isn't included below each item?

* the beveled grouping inside the tab widget looks very heavy visually: it's a 
frame in a frame in a frame (the interface group in a frame in a tabwidget)

* how important is it to be able to filter between wired and wireless? (which 
is the reason for the tab widget's existence)

* is it possible to show the strength of the wifi signal for a given AP?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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