
David Faure faure at kde.org
Tue Aug 17 19:56:27 BST 2010

Is there interest from application developers in having a KCheckComboBox class
in kdelibs, for checking multiple items in a combobox?

The class already exists in kdepim/libkdepim/ and offers a simple API
(setCheckedItems(QStringList), checkedItemsChanged(QStringList))
and a better suited behavior than a standard qcombobox: it doesn't close when 
checking an item, and it displays the list of selected items in the readonly 
lineedit, comma-separated.

You can try it out with kdepim/libkdepim/tests/kcheckcomboboxtest_gui in 

If there's sufficient interest I can take care of moving it to kdelibs.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).

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