virtuoso-t process going crazy
Justin Kourie
deus_ex_machin at
Sun Aug 15 10:46:53 BST 2010
On Sunday 07 February 2106 08:28:15 you wrote:
> >> Hi Mike,
> >>
> >> this is a known issue - sadly I do not know the reason yet. Actually I
> >> am hoping that it is a Virtuoso bug or something that can be "configured
> >> away". One thing that would help is to enable debugging for virtuoso as
> >> I explain below. Then we have data that we can give to the Virtuoso guys
> >> to figure out our problem.
> >>
> >> Enabling ODBC debugging:
> >> Create a file ~/.odbc.ini with the following content:
> >>
> >> [ODBC]
> >> Tracefile = /tmp/iodbc.log
> >> Trace = 1
> >>
> >> Of course you can use whatever log file location you want. Then the next
> >> time Virtuoso goes crazy send me that log (preferably compressed).
> >> Getting the log as quick as possible helps to find the problematic
> >> command.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Sebastian
> >
> > For me just upgrading to virtuoso 6.1.2 (self compiled) from opensuses
> > 6.1.1 fixes that behaviour. I initially only upgraded because opensuse
> > seems to be missing the debug symbols for parts of virtuoso. virtuoso
> > was so silent i sometimes suspected it crashed.
> >
> > I can't tell if the problem were the opnsuse packages or the version
> > 6.1.1 .
> >
> > If we now fix the filewatchers annoying insistence on watching for
> > directories i especially disabled and even broadcasting that changes to
> > the helpers there is no issue left with nepomuk/virtuoso from my "don't
> > waste my cpu cycles" affliction.
> Same thing happened here---I was experiencing these symptoms and they
> all went away when I upgraded to virtuoso 6.1.2.
> cheers,
> leo
Was experiencing the same --but was already using virtuoso 6.1.2 at the time.
Read this thread and things improved after rebuilding virtuoso with debug
symbols --but on reverting to a stripped binary this turned out to be a red
herring (as the improvements remained).
For me, the erratic CPU usage continues ad-infinitum if the .odbc.ini file is
not present. Just glancing at the kdebug messages when this is the case seems
to suggest that the nepomukservices are waiting on the virtuoso-t process for
something. The virtuoso-t process doesn't ever seem to get into whatever state
is expected by the nepomukservices.
When the ini file *is* present, CPU usage skyrockets for ~a minute as the
nepomukservices "do stuff", but eventually all the services stabilise as well
as the virtuoso-t process.
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