PlasmaKPart moved to kdereview
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Fri Aug 13 19:27:17 BST 2010
A Divendres, 13 d'agost de 2010, Ryan Rix va escriure:
> Moin moin,
> I've moved PlasmaKPart, a KPart which can be used by any application who
> wishes to enable a dashboard/summary page in their application, into
> kdereview. PlasmaKPart leverages the Plasma Development Platform to do
> most of the work for any developer; the only thing really left for
> developers is the development of the widgets, which can either be done
> using Plasma or using QWidgets easily wrapped in Plasma objects.
> The documentation on this KPart, including the details to implement
> Plasma object injection using the Plasma::PluginLoader API (already in
> trunk) currently resides as a work in progress at
> .
> It will be completed over the next 24 hours.
> There are no dependencies for this code outside of kdelibs and
> kdebase/runtime (as far as I can tell).
> There is currently in plasmakaprt/shell a testing/example shell which
> will show the minimal amount of work necessary to deploy this kpart as
> well as the Plasma::PluginLoader API.
> This code is directly related to my Google Summer of Code work. The plan
> is to move this into kdebase-runtime.
> Best,
> Ryan Rix
> PS: I may be out of sync a little bit over the next two to three days as
> I move in and transition to dorm life for my first year of university.
You have i18n() calls but no file
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