Improving Dr Konqi for developers
Stefan Majewsky
kdemailinglists at
Mon Aug 9 22:42:47 BST 2010
On Monday 09 August 2010 14:50:25 George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> > 1) "jump to
crash" button or similar. Dr Konqi is nice enough to insert
> > [KCrash
handler] in the BT, but so far I have to navigate there manually.
> > Why
not make that faster?
> That would be useful, I have thought about that
as well.
> > 2) "jump to thread" combobox or similar, see above, jumping
to Thread X
> > is sometimes also nice.
> Maybe, but I don't find much
value in this feature, plus that extra
> buttons will clutter the UI even
How about moving the stars to the very left of the top row? That
would increase their visibility (which is bad esp. if the dialog is resized
big), and would make some space in the upper right corner.
> That is an
issue. In fact, Dario Andres who designed the interface
> tried hard to make
it clear for the simple user and I think we should
> keep it that way.
However, it would be possible to have such features
> as optional, just like
we currently have the "Debug" button (which
> appears only if you set a
specific key to 'true' in drkonqirc, see
> drkonqi's README for
Interesting. Could that be integrated in kdebugdialog? (We really
need some central place where these nifty debugging tools can be turned
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