Review request: New share dataengine for plasma

Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz) asouza at
Sun Aug 1 15:38:03 BST 2010

Hello :)

I would like to ask for some review on the new "share" dataengine for
plasma (in kdeplasma-addons module).
This dataengine is meant to replace the old pastebin dataengine that
is very limited.

The new one uses Kross to be able to load scripted "providers" that
are basically interfaces to share services like imageshack, and others. The ability to be scriptable will allow
integration with GHNS and enable the download of more providers what,
right now, is impossible as it's not plugin based (which means that
everytime there is an update in one of the APIs or one user requests
support for a new provider he should wait for the next KDE release to
have that =/ ).

The idea is to provide common functionality to the providers and let
the script define the URL of the service, the parse of the result and
detect if that is an error as it's different from service to service.

There is no plasmoid integrated with that yet (besides the very simple
one that I used to test the dataengine) but as soon as it is approved
I'll start to migrate the current pastebin plasmoid to the new
dataengine. The new dataengine is also more useful in the sense that
supports different mimetypes and because of that more plasmoids and
applications will make use of that from my point of view.

Thanks and best regards,


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