is ccache working?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Aug 1 13:14:13 BST 2010

On 01.08.10 13:16:05, fabio de francesco wrote:
> I think this problem is KDE related because the advice to export CCACHE_DIR in 
> ~/.bashrc is taken from the tutorial in developing KDE from the 
> site.

Its not KDE related. The variable is a normal ccache variable, the
tutorial just happens to note it so you don't have to hunt it down in
the ccache documentation.

Alos kde-core-devel is completely inapropriate for this kind of
question, a gentoo-user, ccache or even just kde-devel list would be a
lot better.


> Please, what am I missing?

PS: Oh, yeah I forgot CMake usually generates Makefiles that call 'c++'
as compiler, linker etc. So as was already said elsewhere just put the
ccache directory in your PATH, thats probably easier.


Let me put it this way: today is going to be a learning experience.

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