New dependency for kdelibs and kdebase: dbusmenu-qt

Markus kamikazow at
Thu Apr 29 00:07:51 BST 2010

Am Mittwoch 28 April 2010 18:08:19 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:

> Yes this hasn't been done the proper way (no buildsystem review, no proper
> testing on more than a single system, no announcements before comitting
> it) and people should really start to read and adhere to kdelibs policies,
> but at least for this one its too late now.

Dude, seriously.
Aurélien announced the first progress last December or so.
The code was uploaded to ReviewBoard a week ago 
<> and posted to core-devel and plasma-devel 
(see the Groups field in the review if you don't believe me).
Only Marco Martin answered the review request. All the people now bitching 
about it didn't.
Guys, if you ignore the review request, it's your fault, not Aurélien's. He's 
not some new guy. He knows his way within KDE and did nothing wrong. Patches 
were posted to review on ReviewBoard. He got clearance to commit them. He did.
What else would you expect? A personal invitation to everyone remotely 
involved via snail mail? *shakes head*

BTW: Aurélien is now on holiday and can't answer you before may according to 
an email of his.

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