KDE Platform Profiles
Alexander Neundorf
neundorf at kde.org
Mon Apr 12 17:33:21 BST 2010
On Monday 12 April 2010, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Gooooood (not-so-)morning(-anymore) kde-core-devel!
> This mail is the result of discussions we had during Tokamak4 to downsize
> the KDE Platform to fit on more constrained devices. That of course will
> break some assumptions we had in the past. We had some findings, and made a
> draft plan of action to bring our platform forward in the mobile space.
> To summarize, here are the different profiles, and the type of actions they
> would imply:
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> | Desktop | Tablet | Mobile |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> Communicate with | X | X | X |
> packagers | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> Cut deps | | X | X |
> low feature loss | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> Cut deps | | | X |
> feature loss | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> KIO "in process" | | | X |
> "klauncher less KDE" | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> Removing deprecated | | | X |
> classes from the build | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
> Others BIC changes | | | |
> to reduce deps or | | | |
> footprint | | | |
> ----------------------------------------------------|
Maybe the "mobile" platform may also be interesting for 3rd party commercial
developers to develop against ?
A big issue with developing for KDE is that it brings so many dependencies.
This is not (really) a problem if your software will end up in the package
repositories of the distros, but if you want to ship your package maybe in
binary format so that it works on multiple distributions it is a problem.
...just as a note that the "mobile" profile might also be used with different
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