Blogilo Moved into kdereview

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Sep 24 23:34:53 BST 2009

Hi Mehrdad, blogilo team :)

On Thursday 24 September 2009 21:00:44 Mehrdad Momeny wrote:
> I have moved source and doc of Blogilo into kdereview.
> Blogilo is a kde blogging client, based on KBlog library. formerly known as
>  "Bilbo Blogger" Official Website:

I've not done a code review, but have used blogilo for a couple of days with my 
wordpress installation. I've included some observations here, and a couple of 

- in the blogilo I compiled from kdereview, auto configuring mostly works, but 
fetching the settings times out. It works fine with bilbo from your git repository 
(both -stable and mainline).

- fetching the existing blog posts from the server doesn't work here, only posts 
added from blogilo show up

- the medialist only shows media used in this blog entry. It would be useful to have 
media already uploaded there as well

- The posts are sometimes stripped off of line breaks, this makes it harder to edit 
the post in the HTML Editor.

- the mechanism of uploading images from file:///... locations works really well. It 
would be nice to be able to add images using drag&drop. Dropping an image to the 
medialist should upload it and copy the URL depending on the setting; dropping an 
image into the post adds it there.

- being able to moderate comments would be nice. This would probably require some 
additional work, but maybe you already have plans for this?

- the display of entries could be beefed up, maybe using views of the posts? Rich has 
written a small class that creates thumbnails from webpages.

- the toolbar seems to be static. It would be useful to be able to configure the 
actions in there using the standard KDE mechanism. (I tried to add an "upload media" 
button there, but couldn't.)

- you can get rid of the modal dialog when submitting the post by making the UI 
smarter. It basically offers three actions (update existing post, post new, save 
draft). Offering these actions individually from the UI would be nicer IMO.

Overall, I'm rather impressed. Blogilo is a very nice application that adds value and 
makes editing blog posts easier. A very promising application, good work :)

> We prefer to import it into KDE PIM section! because it depends on KBlog
>  that is a part of kdepimlibs.

Or maybe extragear/pim (As Stefan notes, kdepimlibs can be required outside of kdepim 
as well. That's in fact the whole point of the module. Allen can probably be more 
specific on where the best place for blogilo is.
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