KIO: Mass Copy of Files from Different Sources to Different Destinations

Dawit A. adawit at
Wed Sep 16 23:44:49 BST 2009

Okay, I have run some tests on my approach to address the potential deadlock 
issue when scheduling high-level jobs. The idea is as follows:

1.) FileCopyJob is called as result of either KIO::file_copy by application.

2.) Step #2 results in a creation of "PUT" job.

3.) A meta data named "paried-request" is set at step #3 with the source url. 
This is done in FileCopyJob::startBestCopyMethod.

4.) When the scheduler is asked to create a slave for this "PUT" job, it will 
save any url specified in the "paired-request" meta-data in a reserve list.

5.) The scheduler always takes into account the number of items in the 
reserved list before attempting to assign any ioslave to a job.

The above process ensures that no two "PUT" jobs are assigned an ioslave 
before a "PUT/GET" pair.

I tested it with as many scenrios as I can think, but it is entirely possible 
I completely missed something. Anyhow, all feedback is welcome... 

NOTE: I do not like to use the meta-data system for this, but this a quick 
proof of concept. Perhaps, there is a better way to do this...

On Wednesday 16 September 2009 13:22:41 Dawit A. wrote:
> David,
> Yes, now that I understand how the high level jobs work, I completely got
>  your concern about the potential for a deadlocked condition.
> Right now I am working on a solution to eliminate this deadlock condition
>  from ocurring in the scheduler. There is a way to do this by pairing the
>  requests from high level jobs so that the scheduler can take that into
>  account when it is scheduling jobs.
> More about that once I refine and test the solution to see whether or not
>  it is viable and does solve the deadlock problem...
> On Wednesday 16 September 2009 11:52:44 David Faure wrote:
> > On Tuesday 08 September 2009, Dawit A. wrote:
> [snipped]
> > >  Can you give an example of how to trigger this
> > >  dead lock ? I suppose I can simply start copying files from remote
> > >  locations (sftp/ftp) until the max instances limit is reached, no ?
> >
> > Maybe. I admit I didn't actually try, but it seems logical to me, with
> > the above reasoning. To get many filecopyjobs started, I recommend
> > copying a whole directory of files. That gives time to start another
> > directory copy while it's happening. Each file being copied will start a
> > FileCopyJob.
> Just for clarification, the dead lock condition can only occur if both ends
>  of the high level job are remote urls, correct ? That is both the put and
>  get operation must be remote otherwise they are handled differently and
>  the scheduling does not come into the equation... Or did I get that wrong
>  ?
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