PolicyKit + KDE

Dario Freddi drf54321 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 18:35:32 BST 2009

In data mercoledì 02 settembre 2009 00:36:49, Michael Jansen ha scritto:
> I just noticed this in workspace/kcontrol/kfontinst/kio/CMakeLists.txt
>     execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} polkit --
> variable=policydir
>                     OUTPUT_VARIABLE POLICY_DIR)
>     string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]" "" POLICY_DIR "${POLICY_DIR}")
>     execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} dbus-1 --
> variable=sysconfdir
>     string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]" "" DBUS_SYSCONF_DIR
>     execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} dbus-1 --
> variable=session_bus_services_dir
>     string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]" "" DBUS_SESSION_SRV_DIR

For the records and OT: KDE Apps should NOT link to polkit or polkit-qt, and I 
strongly encourage every polkit-qt app to move to KAuth, it is really a smooth 
move and you will just end up in removing some code, having better integration 
and free port to polkit-1 and multiplatform stuff without hassle (/me points 
at KGrubEditor and K3B developers, who are hopefully reading this list)

> I will cc kde-buildsystem where this belongs.
> Mike


Dario Freddi
KDE Developer
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