KDE is not an OS platform... (And neither is Gnome)

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Oct 29 16:25:51 GMT 2009

On Thursday 29 October 2009 03:17:27 pm Will Stephenson wrote:
> On Thursday 29 October 2009 13:14:46 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> > I agree. Is the problem that this is a too high level place to support a
> > different data source or the way the change is implemented?
> While I respect the effort, my problem with it is that it adds an IMO
> unnecessary extra layer of abstraction, adding to the burden of maintainers
> who are already spread thin in this area of kdelibs.
I don't have much of an opinion about the technical reasons for why GIO/KIO 
integration might be a good idea or not. 

But after meeting Norbert at the 2008 Akademy, he did inspire me to start on a 
Gobject-Introspection/QMetaObject bridge project. I haven't had time to make 
any progress on it recently as there are other more important language 
bindings projects that I need to work on. Also it isn't quite as much fun to 
work on, to be honest as a Qt/KDE only project, and the kind of thing someone 
might do it sponsored perhaps. 

I think DBus has proved really useful for integrating KDE and Gnome 
technologies, but efforts like Norbert's or mine could be very useful in other 
areas where we need to do some integration of libs within the same process and 
DBus wouldn't be suitable. So I really think it is possible to improve on 
existing ad hoc efforts to bridge between the GObject and QObject worlds with 

-- Richard

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