New oxygen widget style branch committed [was: "animations" in oxygen style]

Michael Pyne mpyne at
Thu Oct 29 00:55:37 GMT 2009

On Wednesday 28 October 2009 13:32:28 Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
> Hi,
> as suggested by Aaron, I committed a separate branch of the oxygen
> widget style at:
> svn://

For users of (semi-recent releases of) kdesvn-build, the following module 
definition will build this:

module oxygen-animated
    module-base-path branches/work/oxygen-style-animated
    manual-update true
    manual-build true
end module

The manual-{update,build} keeps it from doing anything unless you specifically 
mention the module on the command line.  Just remove them if you're okay with 
building this whenever you run kdesvn-build.

> - how it feels

Feels OK.  I would think it better if it were just a wee bit faster at the 
start of the animation cycle but the current animation is fine too.

> - how acceptable the  code implementation is.

Haven't had time to look. :-/
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