kdewebkit moved to kdereview

Esben Mose Hansen kde at mosehansen.dk
Tue Oct 27 12:52:01 GMT 2009

On Monday 26 October 2009 11:10:45 Marco Martin wrote:
> right now even most of kde developers are using firefox, because there
> are many many sites that with khtml simply won't work.

For the record, I use Konqueror most of the time, and I have few problems. The 
problems I do have is usually fixed by setting the user agent string to 
Firefox, which indicates to me that the big problems are not with Konqueror. I 
do this because Konqueror has a number of features which I tend to like, such 
as the access keys, the web shortcuts (well, the huge number of preinstalled 
ones, really) and the genera feel of the browser. It does have a few bugs, 

But I know, I am only a small-time contributor.

kind regards, Esben

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