kwallet questions

Chani chanika at
Sat Oct 24 14:53:03 BST 2009

On October 23, 2009 14:19:39 Jonas M. Gastal wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm working on adding kwallet support to rekonq and have a number of
> questions, I'm hoping someone here can help me out.


> 1.Where can I find documentation on the kwallet dbus interface?

oh.... hmm... I read it once, I know I did.... maybe it's in the kwallet 
apidocs? me, I tend to read the .h files directly instead of trying to navigate

> 2.Is there a kde specific macro to substitute QT4_ADD_DBUS_INTERFACE()?

well, it seems you can do it lowercase or uppercase :) there are a couple of 
other dbus macros available (I'm just looking at 

> 3.Should I access kwallet through dbus or should I include kwallet.h and
>  use it's api? Why?

dunno. when I had to use kwallet I used the API. I bet that api is just a 
convenient wrapper for dbus or something...

> 4.From what I could understand of the kwallet dbus api there is no such
> thing as subfolders is that correct?

looks like it, yeah :/

> 5.Which wallet should I use for site passwords(I tried to see what
>  konqueror uses, but couldn't find it), local or network?

in practice I *think* everything uses local? I'm not sure though. best to wait 
for a konq person to reply

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