Fwd: Moved runner "Amarok" to kdereview

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sun Oct 18 15:30:59 BST 2009

A Divendres, 16 d'octubre de 2009, Jan Gerrit Marker va escriure:
> forwared to kde-core-devel
> ----------  Forwared Message  ----------
> Betreff: Moved runner "Amarok" to kdereview
> Datum: Freitag 16 Oktober 2009
> Von: Jan Gerrit Marker
> Hello,
> I have moved a runner called "Amarok" into kdereview. It is in
> plasma/runners/amarok. I added it to the CMakeLists.txt file, too. I want
>  it to go into the KDE libs.
> Cheers, Jan Gerrit Marker (jangmarker)
> -------------------------------------------------------------

I see 
  amarokrunner_config.cpp:77: warning: taking address of temporary
that should be fixed as those warnings are pretty serious	

Also a & is missing in
foreach(const QString queryItem, queryItems) {
foreach(const QVariantMap map, reply.value()) {

And you are missing a Messages.sh file


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