
Sebastian Trueg trueg at kde.org
Thu Nov 26 09:48:47 GMT 2009

I see. I apologize for the unconvinced I caused.
Could a solution to this problem be that we keep a copy of the
ontologies in kdelibs for KDE 4.4?

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 26.11.09 09:23:26, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>> Well, first of all: this was in the feature plan so I did not breach any
>> policy.
> There's nothing in kdelibs about this. There's something in
> kdebase-runtime.
>> Secondly it was planned for a long time and Nepomuk-aware developers new
> Thats the problem. Apparently few others did. If you hadn't blogged
> about that new thing I certainly wouldn't have known about the new
> dependency. Also you're adding a new dependency that is two days old or
> so, thats simply rude to fellow co-developers that are working on
> kdelibs too. You didn't give anybody any time to even look at this new
> thing (data files or code doesn't matter). At least a week should be
> given to people before adding a new dependency. If the new dep wasn't
> ready in time to do that, maybe you should've just waited. And quite
> frankly, copying around a couple of data files is not that bad compared
> to the mess we have now (people needing to hunt down a new dep, broken
> unreviewed cmake files).
> Andreas

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